Taxonomy Archives: Business Requirements

July 7, 2020

Enabling Digital Financial Services in Humanitarian Response

Humanitarian response agencies are increasingly turning to digital payment systems as the sector accelerates its transition from using in-kind to cash-based aid. As the Level One Project looks to inform the design of country-wide digital financial systems that extend access to the poor, the digitization of high volume, low value… Read More
July 7, 2020

Mobile Wallet Solution

The document identifies the specific capabilities of a mobile wallet intended to meet the core needs of very poor people, enabling them to make or receive payments and access funds through a mobile device. This document also includes specific mobile wallet capabilities to support the unique requirements of humanitarian response… Read More
July 7, 2020

Interoperability Service for Transfers

This document outlines the detailed requirements for the IST solution envisioned in The Level One Project Guide that would help drive widespread adoption of digital payments as an alternative to cash in developing countries. Read More